Audiovisual Recordings: EJP Miscarriages of Justice Symposium


In recent years, New Zealand's attention has turned towards the reality that there are innocent people in our prisons. Though Mark Lundy's conviction has now been confirmed, the exoneration of David Bain and Teina Pora reminds us that there our prosecution, trial, conviction, and appeal processes lead to injustices. Following these high-profile proceedings, the Equal Justice Project's Outreach team was delighted to welcome the following guests to the University of Auckland on May 13 to discuss how miscarriages of justice occur and, importantly, what we can do to prevent them:

  • Jacinda Ardern (Labour List MP based in Auckland Central and Justice Spokesperson)
  • Marie Dyhrberg QC (Counsel for Teina Pora, ADLSi Criminal Law Committee Chair, and former (and first female) Chair of the Criminal Law Committee of the International Bar Association)
  • Julie-Anne Kincade (Counsel for Mark Lundy)
  • Peter Jenkins (Sensible Sentencing Trust)
  • Dr John Buttle (Senior Criminology Lecturer AUT)

In support of the discussion, the Outreach team produced a summary of the circumstances of Pora's, Bain's, and Lundy's prosecution, conviction, trials, retrials, and appeals which documented the lacunae in the justice system highlighted by each case, and the common threads between the three cases. The full symposium paper is available to full here. Those interested in a summary of the discussion can view a report by EJP Communications Co-Manager Jason Kim here.

Thanks to the assistance of the Faculty of Law at the University of Auckland and the co-operation of our speakers, the Equal Justice Project is able to make an audiovisual recording of the symposium available. audio-only version of the recording is also available.[embed][/embed]